约翰J. Stankus, Ph值.D.


Dr. 约翰Stankus jointed the Department of Chemistry at the 道成肉身的大学 in August of 2006.  Dr. 斯坦库斯得了B.S. in 化学荣誉 from the University of Texas at 奥斯丁 and his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Stanford University in 1993.

在加入威斯康星大学之前,博士. Stankus had an extensive industrial career.  He worked on developing photorefractive optical storage materials at IBM Almaden Research Center in the research group led by Dr. W.E. Moerner (2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry winner).  在摩托罗拉半导体产品部, in both the Advanced Materials group of the 材料研究 and Strategic Technology (MRST) group and Advanced Products Research and Development Laboratory (APRDL), he worked on dielectrics for high speed semiconductor chips, back end chip interconnects and optical interconnect technologies.  At Nortel Networks’ Advanced Technology group he helped develop wide ranging technologies from optical switching to mesh networking systems.

Dr. Stankus has been very active in shared governance of the University leading many task forces and committees, most notably serving as the 教师 Senate President and Board of Trustees member 2017-2019.


  • Office Location: Bonilla Science Hall 108
  • 电话:(210)832-2108
  • 电子邮件:stankus@uiwtx.edu
  • 1993 - STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Stanford, CA - Ph.D.化学(物理化学)- 简单有序液体动力学, Optical Holographic Techniques/Ultrafast Spectroscopy, 论文指导老师:M. D. 律师法

  • 1987年的今天,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校, 奥斯丁, Tx - bs, 化学荣誉, College of Natural Sciences Dean’s Scholars Program

  • 1992-1994年,IBM阿尔马登研究中心, 圣荷西, CA - 访问ing Scientist (post-doctoral researcher) Advisor:  W.E. Moerner (2014 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry)

  • 2006 – Present - The 道成肉身的大学: 化学系-数学学院, 科学与工程, Assistant 化学教授 2006 - 2011, Associate 化学教授 2011 – 2017, 化学教授2017 -至今

  • Summer 2008, Summer 2009 - The University of Texas at 奥斯丁: Department of Chemistry – Holliday Research Group, American Chemical Society – Petroleum Research Fund Fellowship (2008)

  • Spring 2006 - Collin County Community College: Mathematics and Natural Sciences Division – Associate 教师 Member

  • 2000 - 2005 - NORTEL,理查森,德克萨斯州; Advanced Technology Group - Project Manager - Advanced Optical Technologies

  • 1994 - 2000 -摩托罗拉公司.德克萨斯州奥斯汀: Advanced Products Research and Development Laboratory, 先进工艺开发组, 材料研究 & Strategic Technology, Advanced Materials Group - Senior Staff Scientist

  • 1993 – 1994 - IBM CORPORATION, Almaden Research Center, 圣荷西, CA


  • 化学原理1

  • CHEM 4331         Physical Chemistry (Thermodynamics)   

  • CHEM4231          Physical Chemistry (Thermodynamics) Lab


  • CHEM1101          Chemical Principles I Lab              

  • CHEM1302          Chemical Principles II

  • CHEM1203          General Chemistry Laboratory

  • CHEM1102          Chemical Principles II Lab

  • CHEM4322仪器分析

  • CHEM4222          Instrumental Analysis Lab

  • CHEM4432          Physical Chemistry (Quantum Mechanics) and Lab

Dr. Stankus’ research interests include Chemical 教育, particularly developing new laboratory experiments to assist students’ understanding of new areas of physical chemistry.  He also has interests in liquid dynamics, spectroscopy and hydrogen bonding.

  • 约翰J. Stankus, ,“ Identifying preparation gaps in the flipped classroom to enable effective micro-lectures and other interventions.”, 25th Biennial Conference on Chemical 教育, 巴黎圣母院, IN, 7月29日至8月2日, 2018; Division of Chemical 教育, 美国化学学会:华盛顿, DC; Oral Presentation 911.
  • 约翰J. Stankus “To Flip or Not to Flip” 校本 Center for Teaching and Learning Workshops – Presented twice January 30, 2018年和, 道成肉身的大学, 圣安东尼奥, TX.
  • 约翰J. Stankus, 罗伯特•加纳, 萨拉·塔拉罗维奇,安吉拉·瓜迪亚-门德斯,“Bridge to success: CHEM-Start summer program for chemistry preparation at a Hispanic Serving Institution”, 亚历克斯化学研讨会, 奥斯丁 TX, February 2-4, 2017, Invited Talk.
  • Michael DeLomba, Michael Hernandez, 约翰Stankus, “Speed of sound in gases measured by in-situ generated white noise”, 化学教育杂志 2016, 93 (11), pp 1961–1964.
  • 约翰J. Stankus, 罗伯特•加纳, 萨拉·塔拉罗维奇,安吉拉·瓜迪亚-门德斯,“Bridge to success: CHEM-Start summer program for chemistry preparation at a Hispanic Serving Institution”, 24th Biennial Conference on Chemical 教育, 格里利, CO, 7月31日至8月4日, 2016; Division of Chemical 教育, 美国化学学会:华盛顿, DC; Oral Presentation P708.
  • 哈维一个. Schwertner, 约翰J. Stankus “Characterization of the fluorescent spectra and intensities of Dabigatran and Dabigatran Etexilate: Application to HPLC analysis with fluorescent detection” 色谱科学杂志. 2016, 54 (9) 1648-1651., doi: 10.1093 / chromsci / bmw122
  • Brian McBurnett 约翰Stankus, 莎拉Tallarovic, 安吉拉Guadian-Mendez “Assessment of student learning outcomes after implementation of a response-adaptive online homework system”, 第251届ACS全国会议, 圣地亚哥, CA, 3月13 - 17, 2016; 美国化学学会:华盛顿, DC; Oral Presentation CHED-1799.
  • 萨拉·塔拉罗维奇,安吉拉·瓜迪亚-门德斯, 约翰J. Stankus, Gilivaldo Castaneda “Bridge to Success: Summer Programs for Mathematics Remediation and Science Preparation” HACU 29th 年度会议, 迈阿密海滩, FL, 10月10 - 12, 2015, Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, 圣安东尼奥, TX, 研讨会演讲
  • J. J. Stankus, S. M. 沉默,W. E. 近代,G. C. Bjorklund, "Electric field switchable stratified volume holograms in photorefractive polymers." 光学信 19 (1994) 1480.
  • 约翰J. Stankus雷纳托·托雷(Renato Torre), m.s. D. 律师法,  "The influence of local liquid structure on orientational dynamics: The isotropic phase of liquid crystals." 物理化学杂志, 97 (1993) 9478.


  • 7,787,628     R. 旷,G. Q. 王, 约翰J. Stankus, Double phase encoding quantum key distribution.
  • 6,417,077     约翰J. Stankus, Edge growth heteroepitaxy processes with reduced lattice mismatch strain between a deposited semiconductor material and a semiconductor substrate. 
  • 6,411,758     约翰J. Stankus, Method and apparatus for aligning a waveguide to a device  (also Chinese patent CN1319770, 日本专利JP2001235661).
  • 6,150,190     约翰J. Stankus, B. Fowler, Method of formation of buried mirror semiconductive device.